Week in Review 4/17/20

Week in Review 4/17/20

This week we parterned with Spokin for the "Spokin Cares" campaign, and shared an interview with Natropath Dr. Flynn about Food Allergies.

Week in Review 


Spokin Cares CampaignWe are partnering with Spokin for the Spokin Cares Campaign. For every purchase made on our website using the code "SPOKINCARES" you will receive 20% off, and we will donate 10 bars to The Food Equality Initiative.  

Food Allergy Advice

Bella interviewed her mother, Naturopath Dr. Julie Flynn, about food allergies. Dr. Flynn shared the different types of allergies, and how many people are unaware they have delayed sensitivity allergies that create chronic inflammation. Check out the video here to learn more.

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